WHAT to expect on sundays

When you arrive, you’ll find two entrances. The main entrance takes you straight into the Sanctuary, and the side entrance takes you to the fellowship area (the restrooms and refreshments are found there as well). You’ll find people dressed many different ways, from casual attire to “Sunday Best.” However you choose to dress, you’ll fit right in.

You’ll be welcomed by friendly people who will greet you, familiarize you with the facility, and answer any questions you may have. We’ll have water, coffee, and light refreshments available, if you’re interested. You’ll be asked to complete a guest card at some point (which you are welcome to decline). Don’t worry; we won’t spam you.

During our 9:30 AM Connect Hour, we have multiple groups that meet, including children (ages 4-11), youth (ages 12-18), and adults. Each group will get to participate in a Bible Study geared directly toward them. At 10:15, we’ll take a brief break before the Worship Hour beings at 10:30 AM.

During Worship Hour, we typically open with prayer, sing worship songs, share announcements, and get into the day’s message. Our song selection can include anything from hymns, to KLOVE songs, to gospel songs, and more. After the message, everyone will be given a chance to respond.

Following service, we generally hang out and talk for a while, but if you need to slip out, that’s perfectly fine. You’ll be presented with a small gift before you leave.


What to expect on wednesdays

Wednesday night MidPoint is a much more casual experience. We meet and mingle shortly before 7:00 PM. We normally get started with the Bible Study right at 7. Each month has a theme, and all of the lessons from that month relate to the theme. The lesson is designed to be interactive, with question and answer opportunities throughout. The speaker will end promptly by 8:00 PM so you can get home and get some rest before the work day on Thursday. We understand you are probably pressed for time, so please, dress casually. We will, too.

On the first Wednesday of each month, we take a break from MidPoint to gather for a church-wide prayer meeting. This also takes place at 7 PM.

During MidPoint, children may have an opportunity to participate in a separate activity just for them, or they may be in the sanctuary with the adults.



Do you know what day you plan to check us out? We’d love to meet you at the door and help you get comfortable!